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Refer a School 30% Savings Alert!

Writer's picture: Summer RileySummer Riley

For our lovely client schools (and you are lovely btw) we're delighted to launch a new referral offering for you all, aiming to shine some of your Yoga light into schools further around you and further afield.

Supporting both school budgets and (hopefully!) bringing Yoga into the school day for more children.

You get (as a client):

20% OFF your renewal

The school you refer gets:

10% OFF (full package)

T&Cs apply, email

Want to earn another 10% OFF lovely clients (in just 2 mins)?

You can earn another 10% of your annual renewal (yes added on to the above making 30% in total!) when you spend just 2 minutes (we're yogis and we're very honest!) completing our online feedback form below:

So long farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye... sorry I think I'm going a little blog crazy now after writing nine blogs in three days, although it does feel really good to launch our blog - yey!.

All whilst having my two children off school (with the help of my loving hubby though, so it's fine. And who reads this last bit of a blog anyways, I'm sure I don't...?

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